Friday, February 27, 2009

A Child of God Living on the Razor's Edge

More than ever now, I truly feel like a child of God living on the Razor’s Edge.

With all the economic woes going around these days, it boosts my spirits to see the compassion arising from the ever expanding hearts of so many. We’re all children of God – each and every creature. We need only look into the eyes of another living thing to see God staring back at us. Recognizing the loving spirit there that sustains us and all life everywhere, grips the humble heart at once with honest empathy.

The troubles of countless souls, just like me, created out of greed, ignorance and neglect, have come to collect in part or in full. The spiritual cleansing taking place these days is like a giant wind, refreshing and purifying the stale air we’ve all collected here. Still, what pains the heart ultimately encourages compassion, sensitivity and kindness.

Now each moment swells with loving gestures, blossoming souls fill the brave new air with welcome and engaging indulgence. It’s with a truly grateful heart that I surrender to the will of spirit allowing it to carry me where I need to be. I for one am happy in the moment living on the razor’s edge.

Don Bollinger

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